The Spinal Cord Injury Project is a tax-exempt, non-profit under federal tax code 501(c)(3).
Check and Credit Card Donations
Click here to make a secure credit card donation.
By Mail
Send check or credit card information to:
The Spinal Cord Injury Project
604 Allison Road, D-251
Piscataway, NJ 08854
(Checks payable to: The Spinal Cord Injury Project)
By Phone
Call SCIProject at 848.445.6573 to charge your gift using MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover.
Gifts of Hope can be given in honor or in memory of someone special, to celebrate a significant occasion, or ‘just because.’ Gifts of Hope can be given online.
Many options are available for major and named gifts in a variety of gift ranges. These include endowments, semi-endowments, and sponsored programs. Examples include endowed professorships, graduate fellowships, student scholarships, and sponsorship of programs such as RU-WINS (Rutgers University-Women in Neuroscience). Multi-year pledge arrangements can be made. To explore possibilities, contact Dr. Patricia Morton,